Car Curtain is bizarre half-solution to protection problem

The petrolheads over at Jalopnik seem bemused at why any man, woman or precocious child might want to spend $350 on a glorified hospital privacy curtain to surround your car, but I can think of a few reasons.  Maybe you enjoy driving naked from the waist down and prefer to keep your penchant private when exiting the vehicle; perhaps you drive a van painted with a realistic montage of attractive ladies, and need to prevent the projectile drool from passing hormonal teenagers away from the hubcaps.  I'm sure if you fall into either of those groups you'll be wailing at the chance to own such a beautiful contraption.


Available in single and double-sided versions, and priced at $349.99 and $599.99, they're billed as less-cumbersome alternatives to traditional dust covers.  Less cumbersome and less effective, of course.

Frankly, if you really wanted something like this it'd be easier to rig up with a couple of lengths of normal shower curtain rail and a few plastic curtains. 

SkyMall [via Jalopnik]

