Canon EOS C300 Mark II CFast card bug: here's the workaround

Canon has detailed a new bug that is affecting its EOS C300 Mark II cinema camera: those who update to firmware may discover the camera experiences a problem if a VPG130 CFast card is used at the same time as a different type of CFast card. According to Canon, the camera may end up freezing when this card combination is used, forcing the camera operator to take the battery out and/or unplug the power cable.


Fortunately, this problem will only exist until about the middle of next month, as Canon says it is working to get a fix for the bug in the next firmware update. Until then, though, users are going to have to use a workaround to avoid the issue. To do this, assuming the camera freezes, Canon says users need to first unplug the camera from the power supply or remove the battery, whichever is applicable to the situation.

From there, both of the CFast cards need to be removed from the camera. To avoid the freezing issue in the future, you need to do the obvious — don't use one of each type of card. Instead use either two VPG130 cards or two non-VPG130 cards. Alternatively, Canon says that users can use only one card instead of two and that the camera will then continue to work properly without any freezing troubles.


Users can expect the next firmware update with the bug fix to arrive in the middle of next month, says Canon. If you haven't yet update to the latest firmware (version, you may want to hold off if you're keen to use one of each card type. Not familiar with Canon's latest happenings? Check out the timeline below for the latest news!

SOURCE: CanonRumors

