Canon EOS 5D Mark II High ISO Images Samples
You've seen the video clips samples and probably anxious to see how the 21.MP 5d Mark hangs on High ISO department before putting the deposit. A Norwegian photographer has posted three high ISO samples from the 5D mark II with the magic values 3200, 6400 and 12800 I thought it worth looking. I would say the noise level at ISO 3200 looks equal or better than my Mark II N at ISO 400 in average days. That's about 3 stops better! and if the original 5D was 2 stops better than Mark II N... well, you do the math!
The other advantage of high pixel count image is with room to resize to a smaller image thus minimizing the noise level. The image quality and detail can be further enhanced via image editor after resizing with plenty of room to compete. On the nutshell, the 21MP 5D Mark II can easily outperform its pre-successor or competitors with nearly twice the pixel size in noise department; let's not counting the newest and better Digic IV image processor. Below are links to Erik Five Gunnerud's 5D Mark II image samples in full size. The 5D Mark II is available for pre-ordering now at Amazon or Adorama for $2,699.
ISO 3200

ISO 6400

ISO 128000

images credit Erik Five Gunnerud