Call Of Duty: Black Ops Tipped For Xbox One
Microsoft has been doing a great job of releasing a fresh batch of backwards-compatible games on the regular so far. Just last week, we saw 10 more games get announced, with a special freebie, to boot. Now we've got some information on one big title that might be coming in the next batch.
Usually, when a game is tipped for backwards-compatibility, it comes from a developer who talks about working on it, or someone close to the company. This time, it seems that Microsoft may have accidentally let the cat out of the bag by releasing some DLC for an Xbox 360 title on the One's store.
The game is Call of Duty: Black Ops, and one user in Spain was able to pick up the Annihilation: Pack 3 DLC from the Xbox One Store in that region. Obviously, an Xbox One user would have zero use for this DLC, unless they had a backwards-compatible version of the game installed.

Since Microsoft is planning to do away with the "monthly update" method of announcing backwards-compatible titles in favor of just releasing them when they're done, that means that we could possibly see this game very soon. After all, if they're working on implementing the DLC into the store, one would think that the full game wouldn't be too far away from release.
VIA: TechTimes