Boxpay Aims For Frictionless TV App Purchases
A lot of consumers are getting into the market of smart TVs these days. Of course, the biggest problem is that there isn't a cohesive, universal platform for Internet-connected TVs. We're not even at the point where there are a couple platforms vying for dominance; we've stepped back to the Stone Age where each manufacturer has its own operating system.
That's a problem when you understand that TV manufacturers aren't really in the business of creating software platforms. But Boxpay hopes that these manufacturers will soon all coalesce around the Android OS, and enable access to its new universal payment system for TV apps. There are many premium apps you can buy for your TV, most of which are casual games, but very few people choose to.
Boxpay's new software development kit allows consumers to pay for TV apps through their Android phone, billing all purchases through their mobile carrier. This is much more convenient than going through the hassle of entering a credit card number with your TV's remote control. Boxpay's Gavin McConnon said in a VentureBeat interview, "We are still in the early days of Smart TV. But the vendors are interested." So stay tuned.
[via VentureBeat]