Blu-Ray Buried HD-DVD In Hardware Sales
The Warner setback really put Toshiba at the worst position ever in the Format War. We heard enough of HD-DVD trailing the Hi-Def software sales in the last two years, and now they are facing largest-scale of losses in hardware department as well.
The newest report from the research group NPD said Blu-Ray has an advantage of 60/40 margin in hardware sales at December, the split slowly increased to 70/30 in the first half of January, then finally led to huge 93/7 margin between the first and second weeks of January. The research group said the results are based on the total sales of standalone hardware. They did not include the data with game consoles like ps3 or xbox-360 HD-DVD add-on.

Despite Toshiba aggressive price cut one after another on their full line of HD-DVD players, little they can do to stop the bleeding. The average hardware price on Blu-Ray is about $100-$200 more than HD-DVD with the exception that there are more choices in blue camp. Perhaps they should just promote buy 10 movies and get a free HD-DVD player instead. HD-DVD keeps losing ground in both hardware and software sales, and it is likely to face the same defeat in PC industry.
[via thedigitalbits]