Blizzard's Heroes Of The Storm Open Beta Arrives

Blizzard's anticipated Heroes of the Storm game has arrived, at least in its open beta iteration. Back in early April 2014 the Alpha invites were going out, and since this past January the game has been in a closed beta. Right on time, that closed beta has flipped the sign over to "open", and it comes only a short while before the planned June launch of the game. Anyone can play now under the beta, but there might be some snafus.


Head on over to the Heroes of the Storm website and download the gaming client. Once installed, you can get to playing as often as you'd like. If too many people do the same, though, you might find yourself caught in a brief queue. Such is the nature of open betas.

Heroes of the Storm is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game, more commonly called a "MOBA" game, and it'll be making its official public debut on June 2, only a couple weeks from now. Hit up the timeline below for some more details on it!

A day before the game officially launches, though, on June 1 Blizzard is planning to hold a related event in London. Included among it will be livestreaming, music, developers, guests, and more.



