Battlefield 4 Gets Sorely Needed Patch For Xbox One
Battlefield 4, the pride of EA Games and DICE, has received a long-awaited patch for the Xbox One. The next-gen game has undergone a series of unfortunate events in the form of connectivity problems, server issues, and in-game bugs and glitches. The problems were so bad and so widespread that they dealt EA's stock a blow in the stockmarket. Hopefully the patch will get things back to a more-or-less copacetic state of being.
A plurality of the fixes were aimed at stabilizing the game. They should prevent or reduce crashes during map transitions, when viewing the in-game Battlelog in the end-of-round screen, when destroying vehicles, when the server connection drops out, when viewing the scoreboard, when using voice chat, and when memory leaks occur.
Performance issues were also addressed. These include improvements when shooting destroyed Levolution objects on a few of the levels, a reduction of the blur effect on characters that show up when Commanders are using EMP attacks, and a fix to the infamous bug in which normal rifles were incorrectly able to kill an opponent with a single shot.
The patch addressed corrupted save files in single player campaigns and audio drops on large maps. You should now also be able to get back online more smoothly after resuming from suspended mode. Finally, parties should now be easier to handle, and voice chat status icons should now be more reliable.
Note that not everything that may be seen as "wrong" with the game is a bug. For example, the defibrillator can work when just standing over a fallen teammate, rather than aiming the paddles directly at him. Also, "bunny hopping" makes infantry harder to hit, as Wired notes. These issues, though not reflective of real-world battle, apply to everyone equally and do not comprise an unfair advantage.
Let us know in the comments if you start seeing any improvements — or continued problems — over the rest of this weekend and in the days and weeks to come.
SOURCE: GamingBolt