Batman V Superman Review: A Triumph
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories that say critics have a vendetta against DC Comics and/or Zack Snyder. I also don't believe that a movie with both Batman and Superman in it needs any help to succeed in the box office. That's not what we're here for. What I'm here for is to explain what you're in for when you eventually see this film. I'm here to suggest that, while this film is not good in the same way The Dark Knight was good, it's a fantastic base for the future of the DC Comics film universe.
I recommend you see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice if you enjoy seeing an agile batman in action. If you're in the mood for a new Alfred – one played by Jeremy Irons (basically the only actor left in this world just as suited to the role as previous actors), this film is for you. If you saw the 2013 movie Man of Steel and enjoyed it – even just to see Superman fight with modern special effects to make his abilities feel as real as possible – this movie is a must see for you.
If you're a fan of films that are going to win Oscars, this film is (probably) not going to be your cup of tea.
Were you confused by the high-speed nature of the 2008 film Speed Racer? I recommend then that you turn back now.
Batman v Superman is crazy. It's disjointed, it moves extremely quickly, it is at times difficult to follow. It's a comic book translated into a film in a way that's more comic in nature than traditional film.
This film is like an Indiana Jones movie with a lot more content packed uncomfortably in a very small span of time. Many more bits of detail you're going to have to keep track of. Lots more fighting. The action scenes in this film are extremely satisfying in a way that the Christopher Nolan Batman films really weren't, this film being far less realistic – closer to The Avengers than it is to any previous Batman.
This film wasn't just made for comic book fans. It was made to jam a massive amount of information in a piece of media that was a sure hit: including both Batman and Superman in a single movie.
It was a trick.
It was a sure shot.

Now that you've seen this movie, you're made to feel invested in the DC film franchise – the one that'll be dropping film after film on you over the next several years at least. You can't just stop with one.
And I don't want to stop with just one. Ben Affleck is a fantastic Bruce Wayne. Jeremy Irons immediately lives up to the role as Alfred Pennyworth. I even found myself wanting to see another Superman movie.
If Zack Snyder tried to make a film that was good for the masses the same way The Avengers films are "good" for viewers, he failed. If Zack Snyder wanted to sow the seeds for the future of Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and the rest of the Justice League – he did it. And you need to see it.