Bandai Luminodot Is Lite-Brite Of The Future

Oh, how I loved my Lite-Brite as a kid. I mean, I could kill hours with that thing and still find it fun. And though the light toy has since faded, Bandai has come out with the Luminodot, which very much captures the essence of my old beloved possession.



The Bandai Luminodot is an updated version of the Lite-Brite, unofficially of course. It sports twice the resolution of the old toy. And by resolution, I'm referring to the pegs, not pixels. Design templates come with the kit and you can even make your own via the online template generator. Oh, how things have changed!

The kit features 1,600 pegs in twelve colors, however, the Luminodot can hold up to 3,500 pegs. You can order more though. With LED backlighting, this device is also programmed with animated sequences. Pretty cool stuff, except it's only available in Japan for now. Maybe someday I can relive my Lite-Brite love if it's released in the US.

[via Slippery Brick]

