Baldur's Gate 3 Character Creation Detailed Before Early Access Release
Last month, the launch of Baldur's Gate 3 early access was pushed back by a week. Early access will now be launching on October 6th, and as we close in on that new date, developer Larian Studios has decided to satiate eager fans with an in-depth look at character creation. Today, Larian detailed what character creation will look like in the early access release of Baldur's Gate 3, giving day one players a chance to start putting together their characters ahead of release.
After all, Baldur's Gate 3 is based on Dungeons and Dragons 5e, and anyone who has played the tabletop game knows that there's a lot to character creation. You'll need to pick your class, race, determine your starting abilities, and choose your character's skills. In Baldur's Gate 3, there will six abilities to assign points to: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, just like the abilities that are in the tabletop version of D&D.
When you've assigned points to your abilities and chosen your starting skills, you'll need to create your character, which means choosing your character's race and look. In a Steam news post published today, Larian says that there will be more than 150 faces to pick from at the start of early access in Baldur's Gate 3, with the studio adding more to choose from as time goes on.

There will also be 16 races and subraces to choose from as well. Some races, like Humans, have no subraces, while others have multiple subraces (Elves, for instance, can be High Elves or Wood Elves). Many of the races will be familiar to those who have played D&D before, such as Dwarves, Halflings, and Half-Elves, though Baldur's Gate 3 will also feature some of D&D's less common races such as Tieflings and Drow. The race that you choose will determine how the NPCs in Baldur's Gate will treat you, just like it has in Larian's previous games and previous D&D video games.
Finally, we'll have the selectable classes to pick from, which will include Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Warlock and Wizard in early access (though we expect more classes to be added later on). Larian says that each of these classes will have at least two subclasses to pick from, so it sounds like there's a lot of flexibility in how you'll build you character. You can read more about Baldur's Gate 3's character creation in the Steam post linked above, but otherwise, watch for early access to drop on Steam on October 6th.