Back To The Future DeLorean Replica Is A Flying Drone

If you want a drone to zip around but none quite meet your style needs, you can take a page out of YouTuber's Native118's book and make your the style of a Back to the Future DeLorean. The drone was made piece by piece out of lightweight materials — including bright glowing LEDs — to form the most retro-chic quad-copter out there, and it's able to fly around without any hassles. The man behind the drone upload his construction process, lending a helping hand to any DIYers who want to make their own.


The DeLorean drone was made back in late 2011, and as with all great things it has been resurrected to get the attention it deserves. You can see it in action in the video below, then drop down to the end of the article for a step-by-step breakdown of what went into creating the drone.

The maker didn't build the DeLorean around an existing quad-copter. Rather, he started from scratch and used four quad-copter motors in the wheels around a Styrofoam and wood frame. The internals are the most interesting part, being wired and mounted above the bottom panel.

According to the video, there's a 2250mAh battery on board powering the drone, with the flight controller being a MultiWii TURNIGY 2204-14G 19G Outrunner, and the speed controller being a HobbyKing 12A BlueSeries unit.


SOURCE: The Mary Sue

