B612 Says Earth Avoids Massive Asteroids With "Blind Luck"
With Earth Day round the bend, you'd expect to hear some positive news regarding our planet and the celestial bodies that surround it; instead we have some not-so-good-news. According to former NASA astronauts, we're depending on "blind luck" when it comes to the asteroids avoiding our planet. Apparently we get hit three to ten times more by large-scale asteroids than what is being officially declared by the authorities, this information being brought forward by this trio of space-fairing fellows this week.
On April 22, as part of a celebration of Earth Day, Ed Lu, Tom Jones, and Bill Anders, all former NASA astronauts, will present facts that support their claim. The event will be held at Seattle's Museum of Flight, showcasing that "the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a 'city-killer' sized asteroid is blind luck."

B612 Foundation CEO Ed Lu will present new visualization of data from a nuclear weapons warning network that goes on to prove that we get struck by asteroids many more times than is reported on a large-scale to the public. Their foundation has detected 26 multi-kiloton explosions since 2001, the lot of them having been caused by asteroid impacts.

The purpose of the B612 Foundation is to find and track asteroids decades before they can come into contact with Earth. Once found and tracked, it's the foundation's aim to deflect them from their destructive path.
To achieve this, they are looking to raise money that can help build the Sentinel Infrared Space Telescope. The event in Seattle is called 'Saving the Earth by Keeping Big Asteroids Away.' With a rather ominous vibe afoot, the company suggests they'll show visualizations online on the B612 Foundation website, on April 22nd at 6:00 pm PDT.