Steven Poole

Photo of Steven Poole
Cardiff University
Cybersecurity, Manufacturing, Business
  • Steven has always been interested in technology, how people interact with it differently, and its influence on society as a whole.
  • He enjoys trialing the latest gadgets, be it the lightest MacBook Air, the loudest surround sound system, or the longest hedge trimmer.
  • Steven finds many new trends and niche areas in the tech space fascinating, working to help humanize dense, opaque subjects into accessible information for readers.


Steven is a British freelance editor with experience writing about sports, social issues, business, manufacturing, and cybersecurity. He enjoys editing articles and providing feedback to writers and has done so for over five years in various positions.


Steven has a master's degree in journalism and a bachelor's degree in English literature and sociology.
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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.