Quina Baterna

Photo of Quina Baterna
Southeast Asia
Ateneo De Manila University
Emerging Technology, Consumer Electronics, Military Innovation
  • Quina has published a plethora of SlashGear pieces on the Apple ecosystem, including an explainer on the surprisingly complicated task of deleting trash files on an iPhone.
  • She used her keen interest in military technology to pen a 2023 piece that investigated the future intersection of artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial combat.
  • Several of her articles have focused on real-life robots, such as Sony's AIBO and Honda's ASIMO.


Quina has worked as a professional writer for three years with published articles on technology, security, and lifestyle. She has by-lines in global publications, such as MakeUseOf and SuperJump. She is currently writing news articles on SlashGear.


Quina has a bachelor's degree in Information Design. She also has certifications in VIP protection and tactical firearms handling.
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Stories By Quina Baterna