Jonathan H. Kantor

Photo of Jonathan H. Kantor
San Antonio, Texas
Valencia Community College, The Community College Of The Air Force, Cochise Community College, American Military University
United States Army, Virtual Reality, Military Technology
  • Jonathan spent 20 years in the U.S. Army, working in Intelligence while simultaneously earning a B.A. and M.A. in history.
  • His love of writing stems from his education in history. While still serving, he began writing military and history articles for various sites online.
  • He remains closely associated with the military, working as a Defense Contractor. In this capacity, he instructs medical troops on using operations software and designs and runs training exercises.


Jonathan began writing online in 2014, starting on Listverse with pieces on history and science that interested him. Over time, he branched out, writing for CBR, ScreenRant, The Gamer, and other popular sites online. When Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army after 20 years, he found comfort in writing. Now, he devotes most of his free time to churning out articles about technology, new gadgets, and military tech, past, present, and future.


Jonathan's education is primarily in history. He first earned an A.S. in intelligence studies related to his military service. His second degree, a B.A. in history, kept him busy while deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Finally, he received his M.A. in history. After writing hundreds of papers on historical battles, nations, and politics, he used the knowledge he gained to become a prolific freelance internet writer.
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Stories By Jonathan H. Kantor