Daniel Meagher

Photo of Daniel Meagher
New Jersey, USA
The College Of New Jersey
Drone Videography, Computer Hardware, SLR Cameras
  • Daniel is a licensed commercial drone pilot, capturing aerial footage from the safety of the ground.
  • He regularly builds (and dismantles) PCs.
  • With experience in directing, editing, camera operating, producing, and screenwriting, his roles in the filmmaking industry have run the gauntlet.


Daniel has been a professional photographer, filmmaker, and writer for nearly a decade, but his knowledge of technology started much earlier. He was tinkering with custom computers, cameras, and televisions by the age of 6, and his fascination with the A/V world led him to start the media company Shadow Bear Productions in 2015. In addition to his video and photo pursuits, he covers technology news as a writer and editor. He's contributed to OnRamp Media of Ad.net and Pocket-lint of Valnet Inc.


Daniel has a bachelor's degree in anthropology from The College of New Jersey. He is also a member of The Phi Beta Kappa Society for his academic achievements in ethnography.
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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Daniel Meagher