Barry Peacock

Photo of Barry Peacock
Travel Gadgets, Camera Tech, MacBooks
  • From TVs and laptops to eSIMs and memory cards, Barry has spent several years researching and reviewing various different technologies,
  • He has become obsessed with the gadgets that have made his travel experiences easier and more convenient.
  • Barry has amassed over twenty years of experience navigating the world of photography and drone technology.


Barry has been writing articles on technology for over two years now. His fascination with the subject dates back to his childhood when he loved to write simple programs on his Commodore Plus/4 and ZX Spectrum computers. In later years, he developed a fascination for photography. More of a fan than a professional, Barry has been through many quality cameras and has moved into the world of drones in recent years. Cameras are one of the gadgets he has seen become sleeker travel companions since the days of carrying around chunky DSLRs. His bag weight has also shrunk with technological advancements, allowing him to ditch his books for e-readers and around a hundred CDs for his smartphone. He never gets lost and, with the very latest tech, can even talk to people in their native languages. He is now a fully-fledged digital nomad who keeps a close eye on tech and treats himself to the latest advancements whenever the opportunity arises.
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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Barry Peacock