AT&T Summons Gordon Ramsay To Do Their Retail Bidding

If you expected Gordon Ramsay to "start throwing things" in the AT&T video you're about to see, you're going to be disappointed. That's what AT&T is hoping you'll be wishing for, or at least expecting, while Ramsay also takes to Twitter for promotional tweeting in abundance. Promotional tweets are promotional, as they say.


Believe it or not, this bit is not a series of commercials featuring Gordon Ramsay, but an AT&T character called Lily. First you'll see the video featuring Ramsay here:

Then you'll see one featuring a Sleeping Baby:

Then Lily speaking with Grant hill. It's a "Slam Dunk."

If you've never seen a promotional tweet before, you're in for a treat. If there's one promotional tweet that's so undoubtedly promotional that you'll never mistake it for anything else, this is it. Without a doubt.

Instead we'll be taking on Little Gordon. Stop – what have you got on the menu today? I've got one word for you! I'm feeling a bit sick.

