Aquaman Film In The Mix: Jason Momoa And Wonder Woman, Outrageous!
Neptune's beard! It would appear that we're closer than ever to an Aquaman solo hero movie ready to roll by the year 2015. Closer than ever – closer than a Wonder Woman movie! We're not ready for that, after all, that'd be as absurd as Marvel releasing a movie about Thor!
Today we're to understand several key points for the Aquaman film. These come from various sources, including Hollywood Reporter who gives up some information on script writing and Hitflix who sent out the last (and for real most recent) report on the actor for Aquaman. It's still not "DC Comics Official" as it were.
So here's what's pumped up and ready:
1. Zack Snyder will almost certainly direct this film. He's directing Batman VS Superman, and as a single director attacking several titles in a universe is always a good idea, Aquaman it is!

2. Earlier this year Warner Bros revealed that they'd be creating a whopping ELEVEN new films in the DC Comics universe after Batman VS Superman: DAWN OF JUSTICE. Releases of these untitled pictures (one of which is almost certainly Aquaman's Solo Adventure) are as follows: 08/05/16, 06/23/17, 11/17/17, 03/23/18, 07/27/18, 11/16/18, 04/05/19, 06/14/19, 04/03/20, 06/19/20, and 11/20/20.
3. Two separate scripts are being written right now, one by Kurt Johnstad (300: Rise of an Empire), the other by Will Beall. Beall has been rumored to have written a treatment of a Justice League movie script recently as well.

4. Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman. As turned up by Batman News, Gal Gadot was recently photographed at a rock climbing gym.

The same rock climbing gym that Jason Momoa was photographed training in recently. Wonder Woman and Aquaman train at the same gym. Half-Life 3 confirmed.

5. We can only dream that Aquaman's portrayal will be as massive and excellent as the "Batman: The Brave And The Bold" version we've grown to love.
Anything less would be outrageous! Though with Khal Drogo at the helm, it might be a bit more of a dark angle we're looking at. We shall see!