Apple's Spaceship Campus Visualized In Array Of Official Renderings
Up close you'll get with the first set of renderings from Apple itself of the company's next-generation campus. This campus is the same you've heard about over the past year, the one nicknamed the "spaceship campus" due to its appearance, one of a flying saucer ring sort of thing. These images have been seen in brief in the past, but only extremely tiny-like for the public – now it's time to get a bit more in-depth.
The first image you'll see below this paragraph shows the wealth of detail the company is putting into not only the construction of the glass-and-metal architecture of the building, but of the landscaping around the area. Each of these individual green, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink, and orange dots represents a tree that'll be either planted or transplanted to this spot. According to Wired, this layout – planned for opening in 2016 ideally – will have trees in abundance: purple will be for plums, pink for cherry trees, red for persimmons, brown for olives, orange for apricots – and yellow for a grid of apple trees inside the ring, right inside the main courtyard of the complex.

The smaller circle you see on the lower part of the rendering above represents the entrance to an underground auditorium. This auditorium will play host to members of the press for events like the reveal of future products. This is where we'll likely be headed for events like the recent iPad 5 event, though closer to base like the iPhone 5s event. This event center is set aside from the main campus, abling the crew to dispense with heavy security patrols that'd otherwise (perhaps) be required between the entrance and the auditorium were it inside the main building.

Above you're seeing the campus as viewed from the auditorium meeting area, safely at a distance.
Apple has also planned for workout areas, underground parking, and a generally awe-inspiring look and feel to the entire complex from start to finish. Have a peek at a few more visions of this arena of a business campus here and let us know what you think. We're at a point at this moment where construction has been entirely OKed by the city of Cupertino, Apple has only to begin building the beast itself.
You'll also see a presentation video above done by Apple for the city of Cupertino before they gave final approval of the architecture in its final form. There you'll see glimpses of the gallery images shown here as well, plus a very enthusiastic outlook for the whole facility, of course.