Apple Watch Approaches Like A Silver Surfer
I don't have an Apple Watch around my wrist. Lets get that fact out of the way right this minute, since every other technology blogger in the universe seems – I emphasize SEEMS – to have one today on "launch day." The Apple Watch, like the iPhone and to a slightly lesser extend the iPad, is a herald of something greater. A new community, and a new way of computing. Just like the iPhone, Apple didn't make the first of its kind with the Apple Watch. But, judging SOLELY by the number of apps that've been released at launch for this one new product category, Apple has, once again, summoned the smartwatch.
Notice how I didn't say "invented the smartwatch" or "made the first true smartwatch" or any nonsense like that. That's not important. What's important is the energy the Apple Watch creates. Apple doesn't just make hardware or software, they make people excited.
They're able to tap in to just the right combination of elements so as to create an atmosphere of greatness.
Apple creates potential.
And what's more than that – since they're not the only company with a developer program – Apple is able to summon an energy that's palpable for not only developers, but brands as well.
Target and Amazon and Major League Baseball. Philips and Facebook and Twitter.
All have heeded the call.
Starbucks wouldn't be caught dead without an Apple Watch app at launch.
That'd be madness!
When Marvel Comics' "Silver Surfer" first appeared to the people of Earth, he rode in to foretell the coming of Galactus, The Devourer of Worlds.

Of course the Apple Watch isn't a herald of our Earth consumed. Apple isn't Galactus.
The Apple Watch is the herald of a new way of living.
While we've seen all manner of so-called "wearable" device before now, none have launched with so much support on day one. Over 3,000 apps have launched with the Apple Watch, and the Apple Watch isn't even for sale in Apple Stores yet.
Thousands of developers have heard Apple's call and have come running to spend time creating software for a device that they might not yet have even held in their hands – or placed on their wrist.
Now you might never own an Apple Watch – I've never owned an iPhone, as it were – but you're about to feel this device's impact if you haven't already.
"OK," the middle-aged and elderly citizens of our planet will say, "we're doing this now." They'll say they don't want another new device, and they'll resist.
But it wont matter.

Eventually pulling out and holding aloft a device necessary for communication will seem silly.
Eventually having a device that requires a pocket in your pants will be absurd to consider.
They might even stop putting pockets on pants!
And it won't have been the metal or the glass that did it. It won't be Apple's software that connects Apple Watch to iPhone. It won't be the band you chose to attach the Apple Watch to your wrist.
It'll have been the culmination of elements that, at this moment, seems to have reached a point of some high significance.
We'll look back and forget what the first smartwatch was capable of. We'll forget how silly it seemed to be using a watch to tell time.
We'll be doing things with the devices on our bodies that the Apple Watch hasn't yet dreamed of.
Not this year, nor the next.
But eventually – in our lifetimes – we'll toss the smartphone aside and adopt far more convenient devices.
It will happen.
Mark my words: there's no going back.