Apple Overhauls iTunes To Make It "Dramatically Simpler"
The announcements just keep coming from the folks of Cupertino. After all the iPhone 5 fun Apple is now talking about iTunes, as they can't leave that out. iTunes is hit or miss for many but today they've announced that the all new iTunes will be "dramatically simpler" for all users, not just those on mobile. It has a new streamlined user interface too.
Essentially it's like cover flow but on steroids. iTunes has been completely revamped and the entire user interface is basically one giant grid. iTunes has seen a few rather small changes as of late, but today's announcement is a major one. iOS, OSX, and Windows will all be seeing a completely new iTunes. Do I see iTunes widgets in OSX?I think I do!

Itunes will be completely redesigned. They've said more than once the user interface will be very simplified and dramatically different. They've improved performance across the grid too — which should make everyone happy. Then there's previews while browsing. You'll be able to continue to hear a preview before you purchase while you continue to browse your favorite artists.
The new tour info for artists looks wonderful too. Add in a little of iOS-like icons and you get a full calendar view of your favorite artists tour dates. Go Bruce Springsteen! We'll continue to update once we hear more on the new iTunes, but Apple stated "late October" for the new and improved version. Stay tuned!