Apple Music For Business Muzak Now Competing With Pandora, Spotify
There's a market out there for music companies that wish to get a piece of the retail sales market pie. Apple Music is now a part of that market. If you head into your local department store, you probably won't hear a brand new track from your favorite hardcore metal band – but you might soon hear something delivered by Apple. A report this week suggests that Apple Music has been piloting a "a version of Apple Music" for use in businesses for a time with businesses like Levi Strauss & Co. and Harrods stores.
According to the the Wall Street Journal, the pilot company was the lead-up to the appearance of Apple Music with PlayNetwork Inc. here at the tail end of the year 2019. The company known as PlayNetwork is one of several such services which specialize in audio for business use. Right this minute, if you head to PlayNetwork's main page you'll find that they still offer "Music for Business" as a service alongside "Apple Music for Business" – which they've initiated in collaboration with Apple.

This system works with hardware from the brand CURIO – which is PlayNetwork's "content delivery platform." PlayNetwork's CURIOPlayer Z8 is a piece of hardware through which music can be delivered. It's sort of like an internet-connected stereo that's controlled with an app called CURIOPlayer UI – BUT – It'll be a slightly different system with Apple Music for Business. Users will actually employ the new Apple Music for Business app, as shown below. It's very similar to Apple Music, but includes targeted playlists for different sorts of businesses and events, and customer engagement systems aplenty.

Per the official Apple Music for Business presentation: "This revolutionary service combines world-class music curation, proprietary technology, and easy-to-use tools to let customers listen to, share, and enjoy the music your brand plays—no matter where they go."

This system also pushes for new users with Apple Music. Businesses are encouraged to allow Apple Music for Business to increase engagement with customers through the Apple Music app. Per an official Apple Music for Business release: "When a customer starts an Apple Music trial from one of your branded links, you'll receive a referral fee with no cap on earnings." You'll see an example of an Apple Music for Business targeted countertop QR-code-employing push to use the Apple Music app at the head of this article.

If you check the Apple Music for Business (dot Apple) official homepage, you'll be able to sign up – as a business – for information about the general launch. Previously-released systems like this can give us a little insight into possible pricing.
The document SeriousXM for Business from PlayNetwork suggests that their "Internet music service for business costs $24.95 per month." The Pandora for Business music system powered by MOOD costs $26.95 a month. The Spotify-backed Soundtrack Your Brand costs approximately $26.99 per month. Each of these prices were retrieved from their respective linked webpages on November 20, 2019. We'll know more about pricing for Apple Music for Business soon.