Apple CarPlay Is Finally Coming To The Hyundai Sonata

They say that good things come to those who wait. Last year automaker Hyundai promised that they would be making Apple CarPlay available to owners of their Sonata. Well, a year and a half later, they're finally ready to start making good on that promise.


When it was originally announced, Hyundai had stated that the upgrade to CarPlay would be a simple and free download for 2015 or 2016 model owners. Unfortunately, something has changed between the announcement and now, as it will no longer be a free upgrade.

In order to get the CarPlay functionality, Sonata owners will need to purchase a special SD card that will upgrade their system. So far there has been no word on how much the SD card will cost. It will be far less than a brand new CarPlay-compatible unit though, I'm sure.

While we don't know exactly when the upgrade is due out, it should be out sometime in Q1 of next year.


