Apple Campus 2 Report Predicts More Jobs Coming To Cupertino
It's not exactly easy to build a new structure in cities, and not even all the money in the world will speed up the process. An environmental impact report is a necessary step in the that process, and Apple published theirs today detailing Campus 2 and the impact that the new campus will have on the city of Cupertino.
Apple notes in the report that Campus 2 will allow the company to hire 7,400 more Apple employees in Cupertino, which will bring the total number of employees up to 24,000 in the city itself. Along with more employees in Apple's Campus 2, the construction of the new building is expected to create 9,200 full-time "high quality, high wage" construction jobs.
Apple also expects the base salary to increase to $2.9 billion once the new campus is completed. Previously, Apple's base salary was $2 billion in 2012. The report also details investments being made in public improvements surrounding Apple's new campus, including infrastructure, utility improvements, and the company's transportation program.
We also got to see a nifty map of the new campus geographically compared to Apple's current campus. No real surprises here, but we get to see just how much bigger this new campus will be compared to the current location at 1 Infinity Loop. Granted, most of that land will be trees and such, but when looking at it overall, it's quite a step up from the current campus.
Overall, the report is 82 pages long, it mostly includes details that you and I probably don't care about for the most part. Of course, though, you're more than welcome to read through it in its entirety if you need some weekend reading. Apple's Campus 2 is expected to be complete in 2016, so we still have awhile before the "spaceship" lands, so to speak.