AMC Will Stream Breaking Bad Season Premiere To Dish Subscribers

With the memory of Dish Network dropping AMC at the end of June undoubtedly still fresh in their minds, Breaking Bad fans are probably getting a little anxious. The season premiere of the fifth and final season of the critically-acclaimed show is quickly approaching, and up until just a little while ago, it looked like Dish Network subscribers were going to be left out in the cold. Thankfully, that's no longer the case, as AMC has decided to help fans of the show out by streaming the premiere over the internet.


The stream is only available to Dish Network subscribers, and unfortunately, only the first episode of the season will be streamed. After that, you're on your own, so you'll have to switch to another television provider or wait until AMC makes the season available in other forms if you want to catch the rest of the episodes. Still, this a nice gesture for those who just want to watch some quality programming but were instead caught up in AMC and Dish's tussle.

Both companies say different things about why AMC was dropped from Dish Network – according to Dish, it's because AMC and two other channels owned by the same company, IFC and WE tv, have been performing poorly as far as ratings are concerned. Dish also doesn't like the fact that AMC makes older episodes of its show available for free online. Hearing AMC explain the parting of ways, however, we get a much different story. AMC says that Dish dropped them because of bad blood from an unrelated lawsuit. Which one is right? No one is really sure. The only thing that seems certain is that these two aren't likely to kiss and make-up anytime soon.


If you're a Dish Network subscriber interested in catching the live stream of the Breaking Bad premiere, you can sign up here starting tomorrow, July 13. The show is set to premiere at 10:00 PM EDT on Sunday, July 15, so be sure to register to watch it before then!

[via The New York Times]

