Amazon Pilot Season Brings Ten New Show Pilots

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Pilot season has begun with Amazon and they are asking for help in deciding which of the shows will go on to become a full series. There are ten pilots in total. That group of ten includes some comedy and drama shows and five intended for the younger audience. Regardless of the intended audience, Amazon has all ten of the pilots available for viewing through the Instant Video service.


While these are open for any and all to watch, should they go on from pilot phase to show phase, they will launch exclusively with Prime Instant Video in the US and with LOVEFiLM in the UK. This isn't the first time Amazon has offered some show pilots, however this time around they do have two shows (both drama) that will be an hour long. Those include The After and Bosch.

In addition to these two, this round of ten pilots include five that are intended for children; Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street, The Jo B. and G. Raff Show, Hardboiled Eggheads, Maker Shack Agency and Wishenpoof. The remaining shows aimed at the adult audience include Mozart in the Jungle, The Rebels and Transparent.


Looking back, Amazon Studios launched in November 2010 and has had more than 20,000 movie scripts and 6,000 series projects submitted. These latest pilots are just the second set of series pilots to arrive from Amazon Studios. Amazon is asking viewers to watch the pilots and submit feedback. To that point, it was also mentioned how "customers submitted thousands of reviews within the first few days and more than 80 percent of those reviews were 4 and 5 stars" with the release of the first set of pilots.

Those looking to check out any of these pilots will be able to watch direct front the Amazon website (link below) or using one of the many apps. Amazon has an Instant Video app available for Kindle Fire tablets as well as the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Roku, Xbox, PlayStation and Wii. An app is also available for "hundreds" of other connected devices such as smart TVs.

SOURCE: Amazon

