Amazon Launches Home Services, Puts You In Touch With Pros
If you own your home, chances are you've got some chores that have piled up. Amazon's Home Services is aimed at folks like you who are just to busy (or not knowledgable enough; please don't try electrical work) to get the small things done, but its limited availability left most wanting. Today, Amazon is broadening their scope, and taking their Home Services platform to a larger swath of the country. Reaching over 85 million people, Amazon Home Services might be just what you need to get those lingering chores done.
Aside from pairing you with handpicked pros in their respective fields, Amazon Home Services also provides upfront pricing. That takes the guess work out of getting a job done. Order a ceiling fan, and Amazon Home Services may suggest an installer for you; at a set price.
Like other orders on the site, Amazon Home Services providers are reviewed by customers. Like those goods you may purchase from Amazon, you can get see reviews ahead of signing up for a service, too.

All professionals via Home Services go through background checks, and are required to be insured.
Strongest in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, Amazon Home Services also makes itself known in many other major metro areas. Though Amazon's press release didn't exactly spell out which areas it'll show up in, you get a good idea based on their coverage graphic.
If you're interested, look for Amazon to offer up Home Services next time you make a purchase on something for around the home. If you're in need right now, check the link below.
Source: Amazon Home Services