All 10 Ways To Get Pokmone GO Coins (PokeCoins) In Niantic's Big Update
This week the folks at Niantic changed the way Pokemon GO works with Pokecoins – or Pokemon Coins, if you prefer. That's the game's in-game currency, and the way one buys items in the game instead of finding said items at Pokestops or Pokemon Gyms. In the newest update to the game, users will be able to earn coins without the use of Pokemon Gyms. That's right – much like several other major changes made to the game earlier this year amid global pandemic, Pokemon Coins in Pokemon GO will be able to be earned from home!
Before the update, the only way a Pokemon GO player would get PokeCoins is to purchase said coins for real money (in an in-app purchase sort of transaction) or to defend Gyms. Since the launch of the game – or rather, since Pokemon Gyms started to exist, the way the game is played has changed drastically.
"Since Pokemon GO's release, we've added features that have vastly changed the way you play," wrote a Pokemon GO representative. "In addition, with more Trainers playing at home, we're looking to provide more ways for you to earn PokéCoins while playing in one place."
New ways in which Pokemon GO users will POTENTIALLY be able to earn PokeCoins are as follows:
• Make an Excellent Throw
• Evolve a Pokémon
• Make a Great Throw
• Use a Berry to help catch a Pokémon
• Take a snapshot of your buddy
• Catch a Pokémon
• Power up a Pokémon
• Make a Nice Throw
• Transfer a Pokémon
• Win a raid
One of the biggest changes that traditional players may NOT be happy with is the decrease in the number of PokeCoins earned from defending Gyms. Instead of 6 coins earned defending Gyms per hour, users will get a max of 2. The maximum number of PokeCoins a user would POTENTIALLY get, once this system is in place, is increased to 55. This update is not definite – it's all still in the works.

There's going to be a test period in-effect, too. An update from Niantic after their initial push for this update suggested that during the test period (in Australia, mind you), users wil lbe able to earn 5 PokeCoins TOTAL after completing all the featured activities for the day.
"We'll be listening to your feedback during this testing period," wrote a Niantic support specialist, "and may make more tweaks before the feature is released globally."