ALARMclock Dishes Sobering Stats To Get You Out Of Bed

Getting out of bed when the alarm clock goes off is sometimes an unattainable goal, and everyone has found a legitimate excuse to hit the snooze button at least once. This is arguably because an annoying sound is not incentive enough to drag one's self to the coffee maker, and such is where the ALARMclock comes in. Having about tripled its Kickstarter goal with a week remaining, the idea behind the device seems to be popular: offering up sobering information as incentive to wake up.


The ALARMclock has a retro-esque LED interface that displays both the time and various words and shapes in many different colors — gold, red, green, and a mixture of these colors. The screen is a 2-bit panel that can display animations, while the rest of the alarm clock is made from dark bamboo wood. The faceplate is mirrored, and the enclosure is hand-made in the Bronx.

The ALARMclock's niche is its dark forecast for your life — when it is time to get up, the "alarmclock arms you with the facts, so you can start each day unencumbered by fantasy or wishful thinking." Among this information is details on things like how much money you have (or don't have), how many friends you have across your social networks, and an estimation of how many days you have left on this earth.


The features can be customized from a desktop or mobile device via a WiFi connection with the clock, which runs on a Raspberry Pi Model B and has a USB 2.0 interface. So far, the Kickstarter has exceeded its $7,000 goal, currently sitting at $24,261 with 258 backers. Those who pledged high enough are slated to receive their clocks in January.

VIA: Gajitz

SOURCE: Kickstarter

