Air Guitar AG Riff Master Guitar Controller Featuring KISS

Air Guitar, a company apparently specializing in high-end Guitar Hero controllers is set to begin releasing models made from real guitars featuring graphics of rock icons. One such example is KISS.

The pictured guitar is made from a Peavy guitar. Personally, I think it would be awesome to rock out on a real-ish guitar, especially with the Rock Band drum set being considerably closer to a real digital drum set than the current GH guitars are to a real guitar.


The company is apparently pushing for a holiday season release of their products. No word on which system(s) they will be for or whether they will be wireless or not. There is also no news on the price front, but you can be well assured that they will be at least the cost of the guitars they are made out of, both the GH guitar that's probably gutted to make these and the Peavy guitar that is also gutted for this devices creation, as I highly doubt Red Octane or anyone else connected with Guitar Hero is shipping just the components to another manufacturer for them to profit.

The Kiss Guitar Hero Controller Made From a Real Guitar [via Kotaku]

