Aio Wireless to be absorbed into Cricket

After months of waiting, the FCC approved AT&T's acquisition of Leap Wireless, which gave it the better known prepaid service Cricket Wireless. Soon after approval was given, AT&T announced the acquisition was completed, and it seems wasted no time getting the ball rolling. As a result of the business move, the carrier's subsidiary Aio Wireless will fizzle away, being absorbed into Cricket.


Aio — the subsidiary that was sued by T-Mobile over its use of the color purple — has already been aligned for the upcoming change, with its website, though still retaining the domain, now proclaims "Discover the new Cricket", with info provided by the service's President Jennifer Van Buskirk.

The Aio logo will soon be switched over to that of Cricket, but otherwise subscribers won't be seeing much changes or experiencing hassle. The merging process of the two companies is in process, but obviously they are not officially merged into a single company at this point. Aio retail locations will continue to operate under its current name, but will be converted over to Cricket in the future.


Rate plans and coverage will remain the same for the time being, but once the transition is complete, subscribers are encouraged to check out the new rate plans and sign up under one of the new offerings, thereby gaining access to AT&T's larger and faster coverage network.

SOURCE: Aio Wireless

Image via Nest Environments

