AGEIA announces PhysX 100M

So you thought your gaming laptop had it all, a quad-core Intel processor, dual graphics cards, 4GB of RAM, and a few hundred gigabytes of hard drive space right? Think again, AGEIA, the makers of the first dedicated physics processor, has now brought their PhysX line to the mobile world.


The dedicated physics processor market won't be dominated by AGEIA for much longer, but while they are the biggest manufacturers of such devices, they are going to make it work for them. With nVidia and ATI both exploring the idea, I would assume the number of titles supporting this technology should be growing in the near future.

I have seen some videos of what a PhysX processor can do for a game, and I must admit I am amazed. I am not much of a gamer, but if I was, and I wanted to build some sort of ultimate gaming rig, it would definitely include one of these. They are selling the mobile chips now, so you should start seeing them in laptops soon. I wouldn't look to the likes of HP, Gateway, or Dell to find these mobile chips, start checking your boutique PC manufacturers sites, and I guess Dell has the XPS line that it might show up in, and HP acquired VooDoo PC not to long ago, so those are both possibilities as well.


AGEIA Announces Mobile Physics Processor [via dailytech]

