Adam Savage Builds A Functional Star Trek Captain's Chair

You might not know the name Adam Savage, but if you ever watch the Discovery Channel, odds are you have seen Savage's face a time or two. He is one of the hosts of the Discovery show Mythbusters where he and the other hosts take on these urban legends and prove them to be plausible or a bunch of rubbish. What you might not know if you aren't a fan of the show is that Savage started his career building props and special effects for movies and TV shows.


That means Savage knows his way around a hammer and can make some awesome stuff. Case in point is the latest creation that Savage and a friend named Jeremy Williams have built, a Star Trek captain's chair. This is definitely more Kirk than Picard.

This project started when Savage acquired a replica of the captain's chair and found it lacking. He decided to create a batter replica and has done just that. The captain's chair the duo created has a bunch of LED lights, power sources, speakers, and lots of wires hidden inside.

Savage says that he put in some extras, like the viewer for the unaired pilot episode of Star Trek called "The Cage". He also put a drawer in the base of the chair. Check out the video to learn more about the custom made chair.



