A Cuddly Mario Scarf
This scarf is for all the girl gamers who feel like they don't get enough cute gamer gear. Straight from Etsy as usual, this little scarf gives a feminine twist to the classic Mario mushroom. Besides that it looks like something I'd want to curl up with. That is, if it were slightly larger, like a blanket.
Now that would be something, to have a Mario blanket made out of the same materials as this scarf. The seller Protean sells some odd products, but a couple I would be more than happy to snag. I'm not really sure about the jewelry made out of coffee beans though, that just seems a bit much for me.
Unfortunately the scarf is as of today sold out, however, maybe if we beg enough they'll make a few more. When it was still in stock it was being sold for $25, and it measured at 54 inches.
A Classy Mario Scarf [via hawtymcbloggy]