Looper International Trailer Spills The Beans On Time Travel
It's time to make time a weapon with the 30-year action plot behind the upcoming action and science fiction film Looper in two international trailers that all but give away everything. Just as it was, essentially, with Total Recall, we've got everything we need to know the beginning, middle, and ending of the movie. What's missing, and what makes it all worthwhile, is the action as it happens, and the science that explains the whole of the story.
Have a peek first at the international trailer you may have already seen, this one released over a month ago with many details about the plot and moments of revelation. If you're worried about spoilers, this might be a good time to turn back. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt play one man, thirty years between themselves, with both of their goals appearing to be the murder of another for profit.
The second trailer is the newest, having just been released this week. This trailer takes on more than just the plot, it explains a bit more on how time travel works in this particular universe. We don't yet know the mechanism that allows time travel here, nor do we see any time travel take place other than a moment in which a character is not there one moment, and is there the next – followed by a moment in which they're blown away with a very rudimentary shotgun, of course.
Time travel here also appears to have the main characters – including Emily Blunt – grabbing anti-gravity powers for one reason or another too. Check out Blunt's character pushing around a cigarette lighter in the trailer above. Also notice that this day marks the start of a viral campaign which also reveals the timeline in the movie. In the trailer, we hear that "time travel has not yet been invented, but thirty years from now it will have been." The viral campaign gives us the year 2044, therefor we'll be watching Looper in present day 2012. Fun stuff!

Stay tuned to SlashGear's science and entertainment hubs as we interview a real expert on time travel later this week – Dr. Edward Farhi from MIT! It's only a matter of time!