Twitter Usage Doubles Year-To-Year

Those of you not on the world's most famous text-based social network, it's time to jump aboard as usage has doubled over the past year. A report coming from the Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that right around 15 percent of online adults use Twitter as of February 2012, with just about 8 percent of them using Twitter in November of 2010. Where the usage explosion really hits is in the amount of people who said they used Twitter daily, with 8% of adults saying they do here in 2012 and 4% of them saying they did in May of 2011.


These statistics also show that adoption of Twitter has been steady over the years, going up between 2010 and 2011 then back down again through the year. Between August of 2011 and February of 2012 daily use nearly doubled while adoption grew from 12% of all online adults to 15%. Adults in this case are classified as those polled who are 18 years of age or older.

Those sitting between 18 and 24 years of age have started using Twitter at an almost alarming rate. In May of 2011, 18% of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 used Twitter, while February of 2012 had an amazing 31%, or essentially one out of every three, web users using Twitter. On a "typical day" you'll also find that the amount of users saying they used Twitter also increased dramatically for this particular group, going from 9% in May of 2011 up to 20% in February of 2012.


Do you use Twitter? We sure do here on SlashGear! Have a peek at several members of our staff here as well as our main SlashGear feed – and Android Community as well for good measure!

@SlashGear SlashGear

@Androids Android Community

@C_Davies Chris Davies

@Nguyen Vincent Nguyen

@Ewdi Ewdison Then

@t_ChrisBurns Chris Burns

@xguntherc Cory Gunther

@MichaelCrider Michael Crider

