4moms Origami Stroller is $850 USD of futuristic baby transport

You've got a choice when it comes to getting your baby around in style, and if 4moms has anything to say about it, the Origami Stroller is going to be both your most expensive and most awesomely Jetsons-styled choice. You'll be paying a grand total of $850 USD plus tax to take your child in a unit that uses wheel-mounted dynamos for battery charging and its electronic folding and unfolding system. Have a look at the demonstration video and see if this is exactly what you want the first couple years of your baby's life to revolve around.


Also inside the stroller you'll find running lights, a kid-in-seat sensor, a pedometer (of course) and an assortment of other less mentionable but just as fantastic implementations of future adult oriented technology – like an LCD screen! The one thing this stroller will not do is ward off, as Cory Doctorow reminds us, the hoards of pro-walking devils that would lay waste to your sense of good parenting when you've got a child with two perfectly good legs and feet sitting comfortably in a rolling seat. But just look at what it can do!

Now that's what I call an advanced bit of strolling technology — is it worth the $850 USD it costs to own though? I'm not so sure of that, especially since I'd feel strange putting a piece of equipment that costs almost as much as my laptop alongside my camping supplies. Or perhaps this is only for those who bring their strollers along with them into restaurants. Either way, this stroller isn't quite out on the market yet, but it will be soon! 4moms to the rescue with buttons!


NOTE: It's been quite a while since we added anything to our Parenting Gadgets portal – is this the sort of thing you'd like to see more of, you readers you? Let us know in the comments below!

[via 4moms]

