40GB PS3 Coming To US For $399
Target of all places is where this was discovered, and then some other guy fact-checked it with the Best Buy database, and sho nuff, it was there. So it looks like we are definitely getting the 40GB PS3 at closer to Xbox 360 prices.
I wonder what they'll be doing to help make the 60GB models move now they they'll have a 40, 60, and 80 gigabyte models all sitting on the shelves collecting dust? You know what the PS3 needs, a great exclusive title. Sony needs their Halo, their Bungie.
When Halo 3 was released, there was 3+ days of heavy news regarding the release that surrounded it, Master Chief even got to ring the NASDAQ bell, I haven't seen that kind of excitement surrounding a Playstation game since the PS 1 days, and that's exactly what Sony needs.
US Playstation 3 40GB Shows Up in Target Store Scan [via gamingbits]