2020 iPhones may be late to the party because of coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of industries to a halt, so it probably won't come as a shock to learn that Apple may be forced to delay mass production of its 2020 iPhone lineup. The fate of Apple's 2020 iPhones has been a frequent topic of discussion since the severity of the pandemic became clear, and according to new rumors, it seems that Apple's release schedule for the year will be at least somewhat impacted.


That's what The Wall Street Journal reports today, after speaking to unnamed sources who are familiar with what Apple's dealing with at the moment. The good news is that this mass production delay isn't rumored to be too severe, as Apple may only have to push back its ramp up by about a month.

Apple typically announces its new iPhones in September and then releases them a couple of weeks later, so this delay could potentially mean that we won't see them revealed until October. The Wall Street Journal does add, however, that Apple may cut the total number of phones it produces this year by 20%, meaning less stock of its 2020 flagships.

Apple is rumored to be launching four new iPhones this fall, with some of them supporting 5G. Not a whole lot is known about these phones yet, but of course, there have plenty of rumors, reports, and predictions. Those rumors will only ramp up once mass production begins, so we'll definitely be looking for new leaks over the course of the summer.


As always, take what you read here with a grain of salt, because at the end of the day, this is still an unconfirmed report. With that said, it wouldn't be surprising in the least to see Apple push back its September reveal because of a delay in ramping up mass production, so we'll see what happens from here.

