How Many Times Does An iPhone Ring Before Going To Voicemail? It Depends

While iPhones are far from the rotary dial tools of days past, the way they operate as communication devices hasn't changed all that much. Just like any phone, your iPhone will ring to let you know when someone is calling. However, what determines the number of times they ring before going to voicemail is where smartphones differ.


You might think that you can easily change the number of rings by going into your iPhone's voicemail settings, but unfortunately, that's not how it works. Instead, like fixing a malfunctioning voicemail, the process is a bit more complicated. In reality, the number of rings is actually determined by your phone carrier and not the device itself, so there's no default ring amount that Apple has set for all iPhones that leave the factory. Rings typically last between 20 and 30 seconds– or roughly three to six rings — depending on the carrier, although some have been reported to last as short as 10 to 15 seconds.  

The good news is that, like you can extend your Android phone's ring time, you can also alter the number of times your iPhone rings before going to voicemail. To some, this may seem like an unnecessary thing to alter. However, there are a number of reasons why doing so isn't such a bad idea. If your device lets out too few rings, an extension gives you more time to answer the phone, while shortening it can prevent interruptions. Here's how to go about the process with the three big carriers: T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon. 


How to change the number of iPhone rings for T-Mobile

T-Mobile lets you change how many seconds your phone rings as opposed to the specific number of rings themselves. iPhones under the popular provider typically ring for between 10 and 15 seconds, from what many customers report, with T-Mobile stating that phones can ring up to 12 times before going to voicemail. Extending or shortening this length is a simple procedure, requiring you to dial a specific code into your device before setting the amount of time that you'd like it to last. While easy, it nevertheless needs to be done properly. Here's how to do it: 

  1. Go into your Phone app.
  2. Dial *61*18056377243** followed by any number up to 30 and then the hash mark (#). The number you have before the hash mark will be how many seconds your ring time will be. For example, by putting in *61*18056377243**15#, your iPhone will have a 15-second ring time. 
  3. Hit the call button to activate the new time. 

From there, your iPhone should be good to go. The only exception to this is if your number has been blocked by whoever you're trying to call, to which T-Mobile will only have your iPhone ring once, which is perhaps for the best. 

How to change the number of iPhone rings for AT&T

AT&T is among the most recognized phone carriers out there. iPhones under the provider can ring up to six times and last as long as 36 seconds. To alter how many times your phone rings under AT&T, you'll need to go into your account and change some settings. This is different from other carriers that typically require you to use your "Phone" app in some way to make the change. To go about the process, follow these steps: 

  1. Go into your AT&T account overview.
  2. Select My Digital Phone.
  3. Select Check or Manage Voicemail & Features.
  4. Find the Voicemail Settings and locate General Preferences.
  5. Choose the Set Number Of Rings Before Voicemail option.
  6. From here, you can choose between one to six rings, each lasting between six to 36 seconds.
  7. Hit Save.

In most cases, this should be all you have to do to change the number of times your iPhone rings before going to voicemail. However, if you are unable to access your AT&T account for whatever reason, you also have the option to reach out to the provider's customer service to make the change. Either dialing 611 on your registered AT&T phone or calling 800-331-0500 will get you in touch with someone who can aid you.

How to change the number of iPhone rings for Verizon

Verizon is the largest wireless provider in the U.S., with an almost 37% share of mobile subscriptions in the country being covered by the brand by 2024. Despite this, you may be surprised to learn that changing the number of iPhone rings under the provider isn't as straightforward as the other major carriers. As of this writing, there is no way for Verizon customers to change the number or duration of iPhone rings on their own, whether that be through the Phone app like T-Mobile or a user account like with AT&T.


Your best bet for altering your iPhone's ring amount under Verizon is to contact its customer service and request to get it changed. However, customers have reported different results from taking this action. Some have been able to get their's changed with ease after getting in contact with the provider, while others who have contacted Verizon have been met with representatives telling them that there was nothing to be done. As a result, many recommend calling in more than once until landing on a solution. 

The carrier itself has stated in various forums that its system is not equipped to change the ring duration before voicemails, which typically lasts for 30 seconds. Rather, it has recommended alternate options such as using third-party voicemail customization apps, turning on Do Not Disturb to prevent unwanted calls during busy hours, and changing to a different ringtone to get your attention sooner.


