11 Woodworking Tools Under $100 Worth Investing In
The world of woodworking tools is rich in options. Woodworkers across the country have so many choices when it comes to bringing new gear (like these from Ryobi's woodworking-targeted power tool range) into their workspace. All manner of specialty tools can be found on the market, and a wide range of brands deliver both standard equipment and specialist solutions. This can create something of a double-edged sword for DIYers and woodworkers though.
With plenty of options across just about every tool variety available, it can be difficult to separate everyday essential gear from specialist items and premium solutions that aren't particularly necessary. Then there's the budgeting aspect to consider. Many people tackling home improvement projects on their own are getting into the game in an effort to save money, and buying a raft of new and expensive equipment might not be a cost-effective approach if you're not planning to make a hobby out of it, or at least use them often.
Fortunately, plenty of excellent tools are available to renovators, builders, and woodworking enthusiasts of all skill levels and usage needs. Having used a number of the tools mentioned below, I feel confident saying they're some of the best woodworking tools you can bring into your garage for under $100. Each will widen the range of tasks you can tackle and enhance the quality of your work at the same time.
Stanley 4-Piece Chisel Set
Anyone working with wood needs a set of chisels. There's just no getting around the functionality of these tools. The Stanley "5002" Model Four Piece Chisel Set offers a high quality a collection of tools that range in size across all project dimensions you're likely to encounter. The smallest chisel in the Stanley set features a 6-millimeter (2/8-inch) blade and the largest is 1 inch. All four blades are made with a heat treated forged steel that delivers supreme durability and holds an edge exceedingly well. Personally, I can attest to the value that this chisel set provides, because they are the tools I use in my own repair and renovation work. However, those looking for an even greater bargain might consider Harbor Freight for hand tools like these.
This chisel set is available from Amazon (and elsewhere online, as well as in a range of brick and mortar retailers), making it a solid option for quick delivery with Prime, and at a great price. Returning to the tool itself, all four chisels feature a polypropylene handle that's significantly hardened and will stand up to even the most demanding working conditions. On a functional note, the chisels appear to feature a socket design (visually speaking), meaning a determined user might be able to remove these handles and replace them with personalized wooden alternatives for a more traditional feel.
DeWalt Random Orbit Sander
DeWalt consistently delivers great value and durability, both in its hand tool offerings and across its power tool range. The brand's gear can be hit or miss when it comes to pricing, however. DeWalt equipment is frequently worth the price tag associated with it, but that doesn't mean it's always friendly to people working on tight budgets. Fortunately, this variable speed corded Random Orbit Sander from DeWalt breaks with that tradition, coming in under $100. The tools list price on Amazon is $99 and it's currently on sale for $77.
A sander is an equally important finishing tool that woodworkers really can't live without (and it comes in many forms, including belt, and random orbit, for starters). Of course, it's possible to tackle sanding tasks by hand. But this takes far longer to finish and introduces plenty of unnecessary frustration for all but the most dedicated hand tool users. The random orbit sander is a classic power tool that should be in the toolbox of every home improver, builder, and woodworker. The tool offered by DeWalt features variable speed control and a 5-inch sanding head. The 3-amp motor delivers up to 12,000 orbits per minute and it's compatible with dust collection systems through a 1¼-inch hose connection. Smoothing wood surfaces after you finished cutting and fastening is a core component in any woodworking project. It helps make the finished product look and feel more complete, and assists with other tasks like painting and staining.
Vintage Stanley hand planes
There's no getting around the immense reputation of a vintage Stanley hand plane. First introduced to the market in 1867, they have remained essentially the de facto model for what a hand plane is to this day. While the introduction of electric planers have reduced the market for new Stanley and other branded hand planes somewhat, vintage Stanley planes are a still hot commodity in the used marketplace. So many were produced in the early part of the 20th century — and to a lasting degree of quality — that finding a vintage example today at a garage sale or online is simple.
The Stanley No. 4 model should be any woodworker's first choice when adding a hand plane to their collection of tools. It's well-positioned between the smaller smoothing planes and larger jointing options. As a result, it's suitable for a wide range of tasks related to flattening and perfecting the surfaces of boards.
Hand planes are also very good tools to have available when doing all manner of repairs around the house. I've used them to help with fit new doors and size floor transitions in my own home, among other tasks. I own a secondhand Stanley No. 4 and No. 5, as well as a block plane. All three have seen a decent amount of action around the house and in my humble shed workshop. In truth, there's no need to buy a new plane when a pre-loved option can give you serious value in both its function and price tag.
Two Cherries 225-millimeter Straight Blade Drawknife
Here's another hand woodworking tool that should be a mainstay in your workshop. No matter what kind of projects typically come across your workbench, a drawknife is a tremendously valuable piece of cutting gear. A vintage example found online or any flea market or garage sale can be a solid choice for many. However, if you aren't prepared to deal with rehandling the tool or sharpening a dull or chipped blade that has seen plenty of use and abuse in the past, opting for a new one can be equally useful. Two Cherries is German toolmaker that delivers a high quality tool that you can rely on. The brand's 225-millimeter Straight Blade Drawknife can be found on Amazon for $65 and acts as a great option for those looking for a tool that fits neatly between quality and cost effectiveness.
A drawknife can cut material off a workpiece quickly and efficiently — just clamp your piece in place, and then work your knife toward you along its surface. If you're working on things like chair legs and other rounded products, it is likely to quickly become a staple tool in your collection.
Wen 4.5-Inch 90-degree Precision Positioning Squares
Work holding equipment is sometimes overlooked both by novices and those with plenty of experience in the realm of woodworking. But tools that help hold your workpiece in place are often just as important as the equipment you use to manipulate boards and reshape them to your liking. All manner of jigs and clamps frequently feature in the collections of professional woodworkers. For those looking to get into the arena, a few key pieces will be necessary. One of these work holding tools that can significantly improve your workflow is the Wen 4.5-inch 90-Degree Precision Positioning Squares Kit. This kit allows you to hold your workpieces at exactly 90-degree angles for precision glue up. Rather than clamping your project with whatever you have available and hoping for the best, these precision positioning blocks help you dial in the exact angle you're looking for when building cabinets, drawers, picture frames, and boxes of any sort.
The kit features two 90-degree positioning squares and four clamp assemblies to lock in the exact dimensions you need when building just about any type on the squared off project. It's featured on Amazon, but frequently unavailable, apparently as a result of high demand for the Wen brand and this product in particular. However, it can be found at Home Depot and elsewhere.
Bosch Variable Speed Corded Palm Router
A palm router is another fantastic power tool for woodworkers. Routers allow you to perform precision plunge cuts directly into the surface of your workpiece. However, rather than acting as a classical cutting tool, it functions more as a finishing solution to create detail in your work. They can cut channels in your work so that your boards can fit together seamlessly, and also deliver the final edge detail on a board that will be seen by viewers.
Routers are versatile tools that can handle a wide range of usage requirements. They are also frequently quite expensive. However, this isn't always the case and the Bosch Variable Speed Corded Palm Router is a solid alternative to this problem. The Bosch router is available on Amazon for $80 (down from a regular price just north of the $100 target). It's a corded tool so you'll lose some mobility, however what it lacks in portability it makes up for in price. More to the point, Bosch is a consistently high quality toolmaker that delivers a range of critical solutions both in power and hand tool arenas. This palm router features a 5.6-amp motor with soft start to help keep control of the tool as it prepares to deliver crucial cutting power. It also features ¼-inch collet, so you'll need to keep that sizing compatibility in mind when buying cutting accessories to round out the purchase.
Swanson Tool Co. Speed Square Value Pack
As tempting as it might be to skip relatively cheap tools in favor of discounted premium options, there's no denying the potency of a speed square (it's even a key tool in welding kits). Every woodworker needs one of these tools, period. Swanson is one of the pre-eminent manufacturers of speed squares, delivering a tremendously valuable layout tool at a low price. The Swanson Tool Co. Speed Square Value Pack bring together a large and small square along with the outlet's "blue book," a compact reference guide that's invaluable when dimensioning roof rafters and more, too (and for $21).
A speed square is actually a triangular tool, and it features an edge with a lip hanging over it for quickly (hence the "speed" in its name) marking out a square line running perfectly perpendicular across your workpiece. Speed squares feature additional integrated functionality into their dimensions, and the Swanson example is no different. These tools offer angle measurements and a plethora of precision-measured holes that allow you to find the distance from the edge and run a line all the way along the face of a board with ease. Not enough good things can be said about a speed square, and the Swanson option is both cost effective and supremely durable. This two pack that features a large (12-inch) and small (7-inch) tool together and will serve you in just about every task you'll take on for many years to come.
Goodjob Complete Sharpening Stone Kit (with honing guide and whetstone base)
Your cutting tools will inevitably become dull and perhaps even chipped with time. Sharpening your chisels, drawknives, plane irons, and more is something that every woodworker will need to tackle at some point or another. Therefore, a quality sharpening stone kit is something that every woodworker will need to bring into their workshop eventually. The Goodjob Complete Sharpening Stone Kit features a whetstone base to hold your sharpening stones in place as you draw your blade across their surfaces. It also comes with a honing guide that takes the guesswork out of putting a precision edge on your all-important cutting tools.
A wide range of sharpening stones can be found in the market, and you might consider diamond stones or traditional whetstones for this task. Many woodworkers prefer diamond stones for their ease of use and durability. However, this kit comes with everything you'll need to get started and then some. It features a range of stone grits as well as a cut resistant glove that can be an invaluable addition for those who have never sharpened a razor edge before.
Hercules 15-Amp 7¼-inch Corded Circular Saw
Speaking of cutting tools, woodworkers who rely on powered solutions will want at least one straight cutting saw in their collection. Many woodworkers use a miter or table saw (or both) to deliver versatile cutting power across just about every need. However, if you need to contain your budget to a relatively cost-effective ceiling, a circular saw should be your go-to solution. The Hercules 15 Amp 7¼-inch Corded Circular Saw is available from Harbor Freight for $100. This corded power tool lacks the true mobility of a cordless option, the cost savings are significant if you don't already have access to Hercules branded power tool batteries and a charger. For those who do, the cordless bare tool alternative is the same price as this, and provides the same great cutting power with added mobility for use on the go.
This circular saw comes from one of Harbor Freight's most sought-after tool brands. It features a 57-degree bevel capacity with common angle stops to help you dial in exactly what your project demands as you make critical cuts. It comes with a carbide tooth blade that will perform smooth cuts through all manner of wood species and offers significant durability for a long lasting blade that won't let you down after just a few projects in the shop. Ergonomic design that follows the standard layout for this type of saw makes it an easy to use solution for all kinds of straight cuts.
Suizan Flush Cut Trim Saw
Powered circular saws are an important asset in the workshop, but this isn't the only cutting implement you should bring into your toolbox. The Suizan Flush Cut Trim Saw may seem a little odd at first glance. For the uninitiated, western hand saws cut on the push stroke, while Japanese-made handsaws cut with a pulling motion. Many woodworkers find they prefer pull stroke cutting, because it affords them a bit more precision when getting close to the edge of a cut line. These saws are also more flexible than most western alternatives, making them better able to move through a workpiece as you deliver a finishing cut.
Many Japanese handsaws can be used to cut just about anything you may have on your plate, but a flush cut saw isn't a direct alternative for something like the circular saw. Instead, this tool is used to cut away excess material and finish off a workpiece. Cutting the excess material off a wedge after you've re-handled a hammer or axe is just one function of this kind of saw. They also perform admirably when trimming away excess material from dovetails and other joints in precision woodworking. This particular saw features two tooth patterns that are ideal for tackling both hardwood species and softwoods, making it a quality option for a range of projects.
Frankly, you will never have enough clamps, even if you eventually end up with a wall full of them. Clamps come in a huge variety of sizes and styles. Some of the most useful you'll encounter are D-style clamps with quick-release triggers. Tools like the Irwin Quick-Grip Clamp Set, which feature quick-release triggers and three different styles of workpiece grabbing dimensions, can be a great place to start when adding clamps to your workspace for the first time. Bessey's F-Style Clamp Set is another great choice for reliable gripping.
As you expand your reach, you might opt for longer, pipe-style clamps that can help you in much larger glue ups. One project area that many woodworkers will eventually tackle is in building their own workbench. For this, you may end up looking to glue a worktop together that requires plenty of distance between the two ends of your (many) clamps. Keeping your eye out for discounts and deals on this tool is usually a good idea. Starting with a few high quality options like the Irwin set or the Wen Quick-Adjust 36-inch Steel Bar Clamps to handle larger material holding requirements will get you out of the gates. From there the world is your oyster and periodically adding new clamping solutions to your collection can help you increase your capabilities over the long term.