What Types Of Cars Are Typically Used In A Demolition Derby?

Demolition derbies are a national pastime and date back as early as 1947, with the first known event taking place at the Carrell Speedway in Gardena, California. The audience was wowed by the spectacle of daring drivers crashing their cars into each other, with the last car running declared as the winner. Since then, the derby became a regular occurrence in states across the U.S., and has even spread to other countries as well. But what types of cars are actually used in a demolition derby?


Some of the most famous demolition derby cars from the sport's history include a wide variety of vehicles. The dominant "Shocker," for example, was a 1970s Chrysler New Yorker, while the "Clamshell" was a 1970's GM wagon that smashed its way to the top. One of the more interesting cars is the "Bull," a 1990s Toyota Camry that found success due to its quickness and maneuverability.

In a 2007 North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club forum post, one user cut straight to the point when it came to what cars were the best. "Anything that's all steel and huge. Any huge 70s-80s domestic is probably your best bet. Grand Marquis, Ford Crown Vic, LTD, Chevy Caprice, etc." Another person, while not as specific, commented more on the vehicle's use rather than the make or model. "Get a steel bodied American car that goes better backwards than forwards."


Older cars are more suited for demolition derbies vs modern cars

ABC's Wide World of Sports brought demolition derbies to a nationwide audience in the 1960's. The World Championship Demolition Derby thrilled fans from coast to coast, featuring a variety of smash-mouth vehicles built to destroy. But what makes a great derby car?


Indycnc, a demolition derby parts manufacturer, recommends new drivers choose older models with a lot of metal, like the Chevy Impala and Ford Crown Victoria, which could be making a comeback. Not only can they take a beating, but they're also powerful and handle well. American-made cars and station wagons from either the 1960s or 1970s are particularly popular choices because of their size and weight.

Commenters dove into the topic of vehicles that are worthy of a demolition derby in a March 2022 forum posted on Ask MetaFilter. One user was quick to point out that older cars are indeed the way to go. "Ford Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis, or Lincoln Town Car. There is a reason they were used for police, limo, and taxi services for so long." Another user tackled the question of modern cars and didn't hold back on his assessment. "Modern cars are built to crumble by design to absorb the force of the impact. So I'm afraid the answer would be no modern car."


