What Do 1 And 2 Mean On Your Car's Gear Shift?

Our cars are littered with different symbols, numbers, and indicators, each with varying meanings and purposes. Some of these are long and seemingly cryptic, like your car's VIN number, while others are intentionally easy to understand, like the warnings on your mirrors or the engine oil classification under your vehicle's hood. We can find these signs and symbols all over our vehicles, including on our gear shifters inside the car's cabin. While modern vehicles' gear shifters can differ in appearance, it's common to see the letters "P," "R," and "D," as well as the numbers "1" and "2."


If you've ever wondered what the numbers on your gear shifter mean, you're not alone. It's a pretty commonly asked question due to the fact that many average motorists only use the P, R, and D gears. Put simply, 1 and 2 are the low gears in your car's automatic transmission. It means your transmission uses them to scale engine power when you need more torque but less speed. Low gears are useful when driving over rough or unstable terrain, like mud or snow, when driving up a hill, and when hauling a heavy load, like a trailer. 

As mentioned, most average drivers rarely use their low gears knowingly. Unless you're into offroading or regularly haul heavy loads, you probably don't have much need to physically shift down to your low gears. But if you're interested in learning what the other letters and numbers on a car's gear shifter can mean, stick around — that's what we'll cover.


What do the other numbers and letters mean?

Besides the numbers 1 and 2, your gear shifter most likely also contains at least a few letters, like P, R, and D. The letter P stands for Park. When you shift into the Park, your transmission locks, preventing engine power from reaching the wheels. Next is R, which stands for Reverse. In this gear, the transmission reverses the direction of the drive shaft, allowing you to travel backward. The D stands for Drive and enables the transmission to travel through all of its forward gears. The letter N means Neutral, and this gear disengages the engine from the transmission without locking the wheels, allowing the car to move freely. You can shift to N when you need to tow or push your automatic car.


For vehicles with the letter L on their gear shifters, this setting stands for Low and replaces the numbers 1 and 2. You may also see the number 3 on certain vehicles' gear shifters. Similar to 1 and 2, the 3 (or D3) is another low gear, but it can be used for quicker driving than gears 1 and 2. For many vehicles, shifting into 3 will allow the transmission to shift through the first three gears, but it will not shift past the third gear. 

Some cars will have other gear settings. It's common to see the letter M on newer cars, and it refers to a "Manual" setting. Other letters may include S for a Sport mode and E for an Economy or fuel-saving mode. If you're looking for a surefire way to identify all of the letters and numbers on your gear shifter — or on another part of your vehicle — you should check your owner's manual.


