What Does It Mean When A Biker Sticks Their Leg Out?

The biker community is full of non-vocal communication, like pointing at their mouth with their thumb to indicate they want a refreshment stop and pointing two fingers down signifies a hello. These signals are universally understood by bikers and used to say important things to one another while on the road, keeping them organized and safe. But not all biker signals are done with hands. You may have noticed some motorcycle riders putting their leg out to the side. This is yet another way that bikers talk to one another without needing to hear a single word.


There are a few possible meanings behind a biker putting their foot out depending on where you are in the world, but the overall consensus is that it's a quick way to positively acknowledge other drivers. Bikers in Europe and Australia have expressed that it's usually a way to thank someone in a car for letting them pass. One Australian biker noted on a biker forum that it's rare for a car to let a biker pass in some countries so they will stick their foot out to say "thanks" when a car gives them space to pass. In response, American bikers said they wave with their hands instead. This is different from MotoGP riders, who stick out their leg while taking corners for more wind resistance.

What is the proper etiquette for letting a biker pass?

Car drivers and motorcycle riders can sometimes seem like they're in completely different worlds even if they're on the same highway. It can be tough to know how to communicate between the two especially when trying to pass in a car or let a biker pass. There are some universal etiquette and safety rules, however, for these situations. 


If you are in a car and want to let a motorcycle rider pass, it's recommended that you make room for the biker on either side of the lane, slow down, and make a motion out of the window to indicate you're letting them pass. In states where lane splitting is legal, it can be illegal to block a motorcyclist that wants to pass. If you are in a car and want to pass a motorcyclist — or group of bikers — it's polite to make a motion that you want to pass and then wait for the bikers to move out of the way when they feel they're in a spot that's safe to do so. 

