What Are Motorcycle Tank Extenders (And Who Benefits From Them?)

Motorcycles are made with handling and speed in mind, but some people feel that there could be a few small improvements to make the ride smoother. One much-discussed component that a lot of motorcyclists have considered adding to their bike is a tank extender. Whether custom made or from a popular company, tank extenders are triangle shaped and made with non-slip material. They are installed at the front of the seat to help riders reposition themselves further from the tank in an attempt to improve positioning, stability, and comfort.


While there are plenty of reviews and forums online discussing tank extenders, a lot of riders are wondering if it's worth installing one. We would say that it really depends — there are certain people that could benefit from the addition of a tank extender, while it may not make much of a difference to others. Generally, if you're on a race bike or taking your bike to the track, a tank extender is worth trying out. If you're just riding on the street, you probably won't notice the difference. 

What does a motorcycle tank extender do?

Motorcyclists largely agree that a tank extender is only necessary if you are planning to race your bike on a track. This is because tank extenders are shaped in such a way that they offer more stability and control to riders, forcing them to be positioned more on the back of the seat. When racing on a track, motorcyclists often take pretty sharp and fast turns, causing the bike to lean over quite dramatically. The tank extender provides support by distributing body weight while hanging off the bike, taking some pressure off the outside leg while taking a dramatic turn. 


Track enthusiasts also note that tank extenders come in handy when hard braking. When a biker brakes really hard, body weight shifts to the arms and hands, causing them to jerk forward. Motorcyclists have found that squeezing their legs against the tank extender will reduce that forward motion when making a sudden brake. Another group of riders that may benefit from a tank extender are tall people, who often need to find bikes made for taller riders. A lot of motorcycle riders have discussed in forums that installing a tank extender helped them find better positioning for their longer legs, increasing comfort and stability due to the better grip.

