How Long Does It Take To Replace A Windshield? These Are The Average Wait Times

Keeping your vehicle in the best possible condition requires routine maintenance. Tasks like oil changes and windshield wiper replacement — something that should be done often — are simple enough to do at home or with the aid of a mechanic. Unfortunately, fixing a cracked or chipped windshield can require some additional help. While you might be able to perform DIY windshield crack and chip repairs in extreme circumstances, windshield care professionals will have to take the reins for more serious damage. If they can't fix the existing windshield, they can replace it entirely to get you and your car safely back on the road.


If you find yourself in a windshield replacement scenario, you'll be happy to know that in the grand scheme of car repairs, this is a relatively quick job. For the removal of the old windshield, thorough cleaning of the frame, and installation of the new one, you're looking at around an hour-long process. Once the new windshield is installed, you can't drive the vehicle right away out on the road. Technicians use a urethane adhesive to secure the windshield in place, and it takes approximately an hour to set. A full windshield replacement won't be an all-day affair in most cases, but it will leave you with a few hours of down time.

In some cases, however, windshield replacement could take a bit longer.


Factors that could extend windshield replacement wait times

While a windshield replacement will often take a couple of hours to fully complete, there are several factors that can prolong this process, such as the experience of the technician and the volume of appointments that day. Depending on the level of breakage, removal of the old windshield can take longer than a more intact one. Windshields on cars equipped with side-airbags require additional adhesive, amounting to a longer curing time.


There's also the matter of windshield calibration. In more modern vehicles, there's a lot of next-level technology present to keep drivers safe. Most crucial are the advanced driver assistance systems, which are guided by sensors throughout the vehicle and include features like adaptive cruise control, collision warning systems, and more. When ADAS components are removed or deactivated during windshield replacement, they have to be recalibrated in a process that can take around 45 minutes to complete. So, just be aware that even though the windshield installation itself may take around an hour, there's no guarantee it'll be that quick in every situation.

Having an intact windshield is incredibly important for any driver, regardless of experience or the type of vehicle they're operating. Though it might require up to a few hours of your time, and it's one of many car repair costs that has increased dramatically in recent years, getting a busted windshield replaced as soon as possible is the right move in the long run.


