How Do Steering Wheel Locks Work And Do They Really Prevent Theft?

With how much it costs to buy and insure a car, you might not want to spend extra on anything else. But even the nicest neighborhoods aren't immune from the threat of theft, especially if you own a car that's prone to being broken into or stolen. A report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau discovered a rise in vehicle break-ins with 1,020,729 thefts recorded in 2023. It's up to you to take the extra neccesary to keep your car safe from a break in. If you've looked into ways to prevent your car from being stolen, then there's a chance you've come across steering wheel locks and questioned their effectiveness. 


Sometimes called club locks, steering wheel locks are specialized mechanisms that can lock to fasten the steering wheel into place. While traditional steering wheel locks appear as lengthy rods that are fitted across the wheel and stop it from turning, there is a wide array to choose from that explore different variations on the same idea. These include wheel-to-pedal locks that immobilize both the steering wheel and pedals and attached locks that conceal the steering wheel and secures it with a padlock. 

However, at the end of the day, what kind of steering wheel lock you have or how it works means little if the tool doesn't do its job at deterring theft. So just how effective is a steering wheel lock at its job? 


Steering wheel locks aren't foolproof

At first glance, steering wheel locks appear to be a surefire way of keeping your wheel safe from being tampered with. And while far from an ineffective deterrent, it's important to note that your steering wheel lock won't guarantee your car's safety.


As with unexpected theft tactics, experienced-enough thieves have found unique workarounds to get through steering wheel locks within a surprisingly short amount of time. Their methods can vary, from using picking tools to disabling the lock's internal mechanisms to even fully cutting it off the steering wheel. While having a higher end steering wheel lock can offer increased protection, even top-rated models can be bypassed with the right tools and technique. It's also worth noting that steering wheel locks as a whole aren't universally compatible with every vehicle, making it extremely important to investigate the specifics of yours before purchasing. 

So if steering wheel locks aren't foolproof protection, why get them in the first place? Perhaps the strongest aspect of these tools is their ability to ward off intruders at a simple glance. A lesser experienced thief may not know how to tamper with one, while an experienced criminal, even if capable of doing so, will likely move on to an easier target as removing a lock takes extra time and effort. Using a steering wheel lock alongside other security items such as alarms and being mindful where you park will provide you with a tight security system that immediately communicates that your vehicle is well-protected.


