Land Rover Vs. Range Rover: Is There A Difference?

When a commercial product reaches a certain level of ubiquity, it can start to take on a life of its own, becoming synonymous with its actual brand name and splintering off to be its own thing in the mind of the public. It can even overtake the product's generic concept. We see examples of this all the time — everyone calls adhesive bandages Band-Aids, everyone calls cola Coke, and so on. It's not necessarily a bad thing, especially for the brands in question, but it can make things a bit confusing for consumers who aren't in the know.


One confusing little instance of this phenomenon is the distinction between Land Rover and Range Rover. Unless you drive luxury SUVs on a regular basis, the names may seem interchangeable to the point where you might assume you could walk into a dealership, request either one, and have a strong chance of getting what you wanted. There is a difference, however, and it's one of branding versus products.

Land Rover is the name of the actual brand

Land Rover is the overall brand of luxury vehicles that encompasses several different vehicle lines. There's no such thing as a singular Land Rover vehicle, because there are a variety of different vehicle models under its umbrella with their own categorization. It's the same as it is with most automotive brands like Honda, Ford, or Toyota; these brands may have individual vehicle lines under banners like Prologue or Mustang, but calling those vehicles a Honda or a Ford is technically only half correct.


Land Rover has three major vehicle lines under its banner: the Defender, the Discovery, and the Range Rover. The Defender 130, 110, 90, and Octa are heavy-duty, large-bodied vehicles for adventurous drivers. The Discovery and Discovery Sport are more straightforward family SUVs with enough space to comfortably seat up to seven on a long-haul highway trip.

As for the Range Rover line, we'll get into that in detail in a moment, but the short version is that they're luxurious SUVs that have become synonymous with Land Rover's overall level of quality, hence the naming confusion. Any one of these lines could be what comes up if you ask at a dealership for a Land Rover, so it's handy to actually know the difference.


Range Rover is a specific family of Land Rover vehicles

Range Rover is one of Land Rover's three vehicle lines, and as we've already established, one of its most well-known. Range Rover vehicles pack the latest and greatest in comfort and luxury features, to where they're less like SUVs and more like rolling day spas. From the latest digital controls to noise-canceling headrests and built-in air purification, Range Rovers carry you the distance in style.


In an additional layer of mild confusion, while Range Rover is technically an entire family of vehicles under the Land Rover brand, the primary vehicle of the family is just called the Range Rover. This is the most expensive and feature-heavy model, and it is the flagship for the entire family.

Besides the main model, there are also several Range Rover offshoots, including the Range Rover Sport, Range Rover Velar, and Range Rover Evoque. The Sport model puts a greater emphasis on performance, the Velar model features award-winning tweaks to improve its general style level, and the Evoque model crams as much Range Rover luxury it can into a more compact, pared-down design.

